Sencillo y Fácil de Utilizar por cualquier persona
Reproduce sin pausas , sin interrupciones tu musica favorita
Sigue funcionando con la pantalla apagada
Sigue funcionando con la pantalla bloqueada
Botones de control de la reproduccion en la pantalla bloqueada
Botones de control de la reproduccion desde la barra de Notificaciones
Almacena tu configuracion de preferencias
*music player
*songs player
*mp3 player
*mp4 player
*wav player
*All player
Simple and Easy to Use by anyone
Play without pauses, without interruptions your favorite music
Keep working with the screen off
Keep working with the locked screen
Playback control buttons on the locked screen
Playback control buttons from the Notifications bar
Store your preferences settings
* music player
* songs player
* mp3 player
* mp4 player
* wav player
* All player